How to elect Which Social Media Platform to Use for Your Business?

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Wednesday 27 September 2017

Social Media

Success with social media marketing hinges on your decision about which networks to focus.

Choose the wrong system, and you could end up wasting your valuable time and resources with little to no gain. Choose too many networks, and you will spread yourself and your team too thin to be persuasive.

The solution is easy - make sure you only invest in the right social media networks for your business.

There's just one problem.

How Do You understand Which Network Is Appropriate for Your Business?

There is no deficit of social media networks, and a new one appears to pop up nearly all day. There's social media site for just about everything you can imagine, even knitting! :)

Choosing the best network for your business is a daunting task. However, I am going to walk through a 3-step process that you can use to narrow down your list and ensure you are focusing your resources where you will get the biggest smack for your buck.

Like best things in marketing, it all starts with your customer.

Step 1: Create Your Customer Personas

The very first step is to identify whom you are trying to aim with your social media marketing.

Alternatively, who is your ideal customer?

The intention here is to create your customer personas, which describe the age range, occupation, marital status, # of kids, education level, questions, interests, problems, and any other relevant information.

Even if you have a good idea for whom you are targeting, take a moment to write this down. Every business will have numerous customer personas, and it is detracting to know them to assure your marketing to the proper people.

Before I proceed on, let's address one of the most frequently asked questions, "What about B2B marketing?" There is no customer persona for B2B (business to business) marketing by default means, right?


Even B2B marketing is targeting individuals. There's no such thing as marketing to business. Your marketing message must resonate with the people that make the buying decisions in the company you are aiming.

With that significant stride complete, we can move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Match Your Personas to Social Media Sites

The next step is to match your customer personas with the suitable social media sites. There's no point investing in a social media network that does not have your ideal clients, right?

To complete this step, we must figure out the demographic breakdown of all the major social media networks. Luckily, this research was done by Sprout Social.

Carefully review the demographics of the social media sites to see which of them are most appropriate for whom you are trying to target. For example, you will notice right away that Pinterest users are predominantly women. Only 17% of male internet users are on Pinterest versus 45% of female users. So if you are ideal customers are men, Pinterest is not a good fit.

You will also notice that Instagram skews to a much younger audience. 

Another key takeaway from this research is the fact that Facebook is by far the largest social media network. 1.15 billion daily active people use Facebook, and there is no demographic that is not on Facebook. Every demographic, from youngster to over-65-year-olds, has an account on Facebook.

That means every business should start social media marketing on Facebook and then expand to the next most appropriate network.

Now that we know which sites we will be focusing on, it is time for step 3.

Step 3: Ratify You Have the Resources

The final step is to ratify you have the resources to enlist your optimal customers on each of the social media sites you picked in step 2 above.

Let's begin with Facebook since every business should have a Facebook existence. To frame your Facebook audience and keep them engaged, you will need to post updates. What will you need to post updates? Here are some ideas:

-Helpful tips 

-Industry updates 

-How-to information 

-Inspirational quotes 

-Relevant jokes 

-Pictures of you and your team 

-Answers to FAQs 

Easy questions that elicit a response to outset a debate. That is a short list that will need to be fleshed out based on exactly who you are targeting. The goal here is to assure you have the resources to engage with your audience, not to create your content journal.

If in step 2 you determined that Pinterest & Instagram be an enormous apt for whom you are targeting, then it should be obvious that you need to have a steady supply of images to post. If you do not, then you will not be able to stay active for long.

At this point, you should have a list of appropriate social media sites for your business and a good idea to hold your audience engaged month after month.

All you need now is a solid plan to execute.

Biggest SEO Mistakes You are Making in 2017!

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Monday 25 September 2017

SEO Biggest Mistakes

SEO has always been a moving target. Search engines are uniformly updating the methodology by which they determine rank as they respond to behavioral and technical shifts online.

For example, the rise of mobile devices completely changed the way Google weighted factors like site load speed and mobile responsive design. Sites with light and easy mobile deliverability now edge out the heavier over-designed competition.

To keep you and your site on track, here are some of the most common SEO mistakes we see in 2017:

Losing Sight of SEO’s Golden Strategy

One of the little ironies of SEO is that everyone’s long-term SEO strategy should be the same: deliver the most value and best possible content for your niche or space.

Search engines are getting agile every day, and your long-term SEO strategy is to aim to be the best at whatever you are doing and then make sure your website content shows that.

Ignoring the Technical Fundamentals

Following SEO’s golden strategy is not an excuse to ignore technical best practices -- they are still significant. The average technical quality of websites is reconstructing. Thus failures in SEO technical basics are even more detrimental in 2017.

Crawlability: Always double-check search engine robots do not block your site, and all relevant pages are indexed. It is not uncommon to find ‘noindex’ tags leftover from development.

Site Structure: Ensure that each of your core products or services has its individual optimized page. Bundling them together on a single page is still a widespread mistake.
Keyword Alignment: Keyword alignment is not a ‘set it and forget it’ effort. Be sure to usually check your keyword volumes and stay aligned with the phrases your potential customers are typing into Google.

Backlink Portfolio: More now than ever, Google needs real logic to trust your site. Having a growing link collection on the most reputable sites possible remains the key to improving Google’s confidence in your site and therefore your ranking.
Update your UX: Do not allow your site to plunge too many generations behind contemporary trends in UX. Mark your calendar, and every 2.5 years your site should get at least some sort of UX facelift. Better UX equals more time on site equals stronger SEO.

HTTPS is essential: Again, Google is peering for reasons not to trust your site. An SSL certificate is now necessary practice to prove your site is secure and reputable, especially for eCommerce.

Not Paying Enough Attention to Mobile

We are progressively moving towards a mobile-first search engine universe which represents an enormous shift in thinking away from desktop-first design towards mobile. Thus, all future SEO strategy ideas must be mobile-centric which is not a new trend for 2017 indeed, but it is perhaps the last year you can get away with not having a mobile strategy.

Is your site mobile friendly? Google now provides an ultra-easy way of experiment the mobile-friendliness of your site. If your site is not mobile-friendly, fixing it now is your top SEO priority.
Mobile first development: There are omissions, but many industries now see the majority of their traffic coming from mobile. Any/all new web development should focus on delivering the best possible mobile experience and adhering to all mobile SEO best practices.

Mobile first indexing: Reported late last year, Google said that it would begin experimenting with mobile-first indexing which is Google’s way of yelling the last call for those who have not invested in mobile-friendly website design. Heed the warning!
Longer queries due to voice search: This is a developing flow, one to pay attention to going into 2018. The growth of digital voice assistants like iPhone’s Siri is starting to affect keyword volumes. These voice searches tend to be longer. For example, a typical voice query might be, “Italian restaurants near me.” Stay ahead of the curve; we expect this trend to have a significant effect on SEO keyword strategy in the coming years.


Staying ahead in the SEO game is key. It is always easier to do things appropriate with your SEO first rather than making mistakes and having to correct them later. Evading the mistakes above will ensure that you not only drive traffic to your site but ultimately turn those visitors into customers.

5 Reasons Why Email Marketing is still Alive!

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Saturday 23 September 2017

Email Marketing

Email marketing and newsletters have experienced a triumphant resurgence in the past few years. Email is often an organized counterpoint to the endless, uncurated streams of information found elsewhere online.

Every few years a new platform or technology arrives which threatens to kill email but each time email prevails.

Here are five reasons email and email marketing continue to reign:

1. Almost Everyone Uses Email

Email dominates the digital economy. It remains the go-to messaging platform for nearly everything, from Amazon to the IRS. In fact, according to Hubspot, 91% of consumers use email. In the B2B space, email is particularly high, 73% of businesses use it as their primary form of communication.

Regardless of which industry or space you are in, the overwhelming majority of your customers rely upon email.

2. Email Engagement Remains Strong

Being the dominant digital messaging platform for 40 years is self-reinforcing; we treat our email as authoritative because it has been like that. This state of mind means that we are much more likely to act upon our emails when compared to other forms of digital marketing or advertising. Email marketing remains high because most people pay close attention to their email, and thus act upon it more often.

3. Email Marketing is Affordable

In the last 4-5 years, email marketing services have become both efficient and affordable. The popular platform MailChimp comes standard with all sorts of smart functionality like automation as well as robust analytics. This feature was once the domain of elite and expensive enterprise email platforms, and now it is available for as little as $10 a month. MailChimp also has a limited plan that 's free.

The lower price point available on email marketing platforms makes it an approachable way for startups and small businesses alike to create a robust marketing strategy while operating on a minimal budget.

Long story short, email marketing is a channel which done for a minimum price.

4. Email Marketing Provides Valuable Analytics

Email marketing creates a feedback loop with your customers. After deploying the campaign, its efficacy quickly determined via analytics. Run enough campaigns, and you can narrow down the factors that influence an email’s resonance with your subscribers. Open rates, click through rates and other KPIs usually take the temperature of your audience.

This feedback curve can be extremely valuable, providing you with a constant stream of actionable business information. This information keeps your business customer-centric and forward-looking.

5. It is Quick

More than 50% of emails open on mobile devices, often within minutes of receiving them which means email marketing has a prompt and direct line to customers. Use this wisely, and your business can forge a strong and immediate connection with their clients.


The reason why email marketing is alive and well is that it remains useful, cheap, quick and insightful. An email marketing program almost always helps to evolve businesses and forge a deeper connection with an audience. Email marketing will remain an essential piece of digital marketing for a long time to come.

How to Stay Advance of the Trends in SEO?

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Thursday 21 September 2017

SEO Trends

Strategies used for Search Engine Optimization are evolving, and to keep up with the competition, it is always important to know what works and what doesn’t - as well as what is trending and what to expect!

While some SEO techniques have been used for several years and remain prominent, there are many new ones you have to pay attention. Here we summarize four of the most significant trends in SEO today.

1. Think Mobile First SEO Strategies

Last year, Google announced that they would begin a "mobile-first indexing of the Web," meaning that they would be indexing the mobile version of websites, as opposed to the desktop version. This change implies that Google now analyzes mobile pages against the ranking signals to determine how a site should rank in both mobile and desktop search results.

It means that the information on your mobile site will determine both your mobile and desktop rankings in Google.

2016 was also the year Google decided to remove the label “mobile-friendly” from its search results. It was because, according to Google’s search team, "85% of all pages in the mobile search results now meet the appropriate criteria and show the mobile-friendly label."

In 2017, it is now crucial to adopt mobile-first strategies. It is definitely worth the effort to make your site attractive to mobile users.

2. As Voice Search Continues To Grow, Concentrate On Long-Tail Keywords

People are increasingly beginning to use voice search, with 20 percent of mobile queries now coming from voice search. It is more convenient, can be a real time saver and, in many cases, safer (in particular when driving or multitasking).

More devices are starting to incorporate voice search features, and due to the majority of these searches being questions, you need to make sure that your content is easily searchable by using long-tail keywords, which often spoken than common keywords. Long-tail keywords are search phrases that are highly relevant to your product, service, or topic and typically contain 3+ words.

By regularly updating your blog with articles focused on long tail keywords, and ensuring you have a FAQ section setup, you will go a long way in being prepared for the rise in voice search. Google has spurred the popularity of voice searches, Microsoft and Apple launching their advanced voice-responsive assistants – Google Now, Cortona and Siri which will only continue to become more efficient.

3. Focus On Local SEO As It Continues To Rising In Importance

Local SEO is essential, and the trend is only going to become stronger over the coming years. Undertaking local SEO is a fundamental step to building a solid local online presence. According to Google, 75% of people are more likely to visit your store if your business appears in their local search.

A study from Think with Google in 2016 stated that 30% of mobile searches are location-related and 76% of people that undertake a local search on a mobile device visit that store or business within one day. Additionally, 28% of those searches result in a purchase.

Local search results are an amazing opportunity for businesses to generate traffic and prospective clients in the geographic area they serve, which is why effective Local SEO is such an important part of any digital marketing strategy, especially for small businesses.

4. Concentrate On The User Experience And Provide The Best User Interface!

Thanks to machine learning, search engines are advancing at the fastest rate we have ever seen. These advances have allowed the search engines to focus on providing the most relevant results, not only regarding content but also regarding the website experience for the user.

Your SEO strategy will start having to look beyond just the technical aspect of optimization efforts if you want your online marketing strategy to be successful.

Understanding the needs of your customers is vital - if your content does not meet the expectations of your audience, then they will leave in seconds.

Not only does this hurt metrics like the time spent on site and bounce rate, but more importantly, it can hurt your search engine rankings as Google sees your website as not as relevant to users. An effective SEO strategy is a comprehensive one, which centrally focuses on the needs of your audience.

Some ways you can  improve your user experience:

1. Improve your load speed time - you can do this by reducing resource requirements - check out your load speed with Google’s page speed tool. 

2. Your content must be easy to understand, use, and navigate. 

3. Since more content consumed on mobile, your content must be clear and actionable, as well as relevant to the search query. 

4. Use shorter paragraphs with 2-3 sentences. Content that is easier to read and scan through is always more beneficial to the user than huge blocks of text. 

5. Understand the importance of color psychology in your design, but don’t go overboard.

Looking for more tips and tricks. Get Now: LSOIT Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Video Tutorials (DVD)

Eliminate Your Fear And Pick Up SEO Today!

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Wednesday 20 September 2017

Pick up SEO Today

Thinking, "Why my website is not ranking high in Google?" Eliminate your fear and pick up SEO which plays a vital role for your business. Let’s look at the main reasons why SEO is so essential. Here are three reasons why all businesses should invest in SEO:

 1. Google is the New Yellow Pages

Before Google, most locally-focused businesses would rely on the Yellow Pages to make the phone to ring. Today, 97% of people search for local businesses online, and Google is by far the most attractive option. If you are not showing up on the first page of Google, you are missing out on new potential business - and those customers are going to your competitors instead.

 2. “Free” Traffic

Not many things in this world are truly free. Even when it comes to SEO, you will either need to invest some time and effort (if you manage it yourself) or some money (if you hire an agency or consultant to help with SEO). However, once your business is ranking on the first page of Google, you actually will receive a stream of free traffic to your website.

 3. Level Playing Field

Local SEO, in particular, is one area where small local businesses are on an equal playing field with larger, national companies. Moreover, if you implement Local SEO best practices, it is not uncommon to gain first-page rankings in as little as 30 days.

5 SEO Tips For Your Small Business

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Tuesday 19 September 2017

Dos and Dont's of SEO


DO's: The Best Practices for Improving Your SEO

There are many SEO methods out there to increase search rankings and organic traffic to your website. Here are the three essential DO's you can start doing today.

DO: Use Unique, Fresh Content

Frequently updated website content offers search engines fresh content and sources of new information for their search requests. Simply put, if you update your site often with high-quality content, search engines will love you for it.

All of the content on your site should be unique and provide high-quality information that your audience is looking. Webmasters shouldn't be creating additional pages and content for the sake of getting more pages indexed – each page needs to offer something different, unique and relevant to your audience.

Major search engines including Google will devalue a page if the content is not relevant, or if it's not unique and appears on other websites first. It ensures that individual content creators gain the credit they deserve.

One way of providing regular unique content is by using a blog. Focus on creating posts around a keyword topic that is relevant to your industry. These posts can help you increase your organic traffic (blog posts can rank well) as well as provide Google with the high-quality content to offer to searchers.

DO: Have A Great User Experience

By definition, User Experience (UX) is all about providing the best possible experience to the consumer. As the use of machine learning increases, user signals will factor more prominently into search engine rankings.

Currently, a positive UX provides an indirect (but consistent) benefit on where a website will ultimately rank.

Problems with the User Experience could prevent businesses from reaching their potential in the organic search results and can also repress your conversion rate. Take a look at our article here on how an active UX can help increase conversions on your website.

If users visit your site & spend time engaging with your content and even come back again, consideration of all these metrics comes within Google's ranking algorithm. The websites that provide an excellent UX with quality & appropriate content, innovative design with a clear, structured navigation, are the kind which visitors will be returning to time and time again.

DO: Focus on Local Search

Be a step ahead of your competitors by focusing on local search, especially if you are a business that provides a local service. If you adopt a more locally-focused SEO blueprint, you're much more likely to appear higher in mobile search results when users are searching in your service area.

You can check out our Local SEO tips from the Main Street ROI team in this blog post. By undertaking various optimization techniques, such as building citations, verifying your Google My Business page and optimizing your website for geo-focused keywords, you can ensure that your Local SEO will be at the top of its game.

Don'ts: Black Hat SEO That Can Lead To Ranking Penalties

In recent years, Google has cracked down on the strategies used to "cheat" algorithms. As they began focusing on quality content, UX, and relevance, they were able to remove spammers out of the search results and rank informative, relevant content to searchers.

DON'T: Use Spammy Tricks

Spammy tricks never work in the long term and most of the time, not even for the near future. Google identifies the cause either manually or through an algorithm;  when Black Hat SEO technique becomes more mainstream. They then update the algorithm to either disavow the technique or only penalize websites that are trying to utilize it. If you are caught using it, this means you could hurt your rankings.

For example, you should never ‘stuff' keywords into any piece of content on your website. These keywords need to fit naturally into headings and copy on your site. Make sure you are careful when optimizing your pages as you don't want to receive a penalty from Google.

Instead of trying to cheat the system, being ethical from the start with your search engine marketing will ultimately pay dividends. Other spammy trick concern:

·      Doorway pages – creating low-quality websites solely for a link through to your site
·   Invisible text – using the same color font as the background color
·  Duplicate content – copying content from another source or having pages on your website which uses the same content

DON'T: Use Shady Link Building Schemes

Any links intended to manipulate a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. It can include any behavior that manipulates links directing to your site or external links leaving your site.

These types of links include:

·  Comment spam in Blogs
·  Article directory links
·  Hidden links (similar to invisible text, using the same color font as the background)
·  Buying expiring domains
·  Link farms


Today, following ethical SEO practices focused on Google's standards, and staying up to speed with the latest developments in ranking algorithms is the best way to ensure you avoid any SEO penalties and have the best chance of ranking for your top keywords."Blackhat" practices such as keyword stuffing and abusing link building are a thing of ignorance. Read more: How you can make use of SEO to Make Extra Income Through Affiliate Marketing
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